
Learn Languages with AI

Supercharge your language learning with AI.
Real-time grammar check and translations. Confidently use your new language in practice!

Confidently make mistakes

Our easy-to-use Chrome extension fixes grammar mistakes in your selected text, helping you use your new language in practice without worries.

Forgot a word?

If your text contains English words or phrases, our extension translates them into the target language for a smooth and coherent experience.

Supports multiple languages

Lingually.AI caters to a wide range of languages, making it an essential tool for language learners worldwide.

Advanced Features


Simplify complex text

Reading complex text in new language can be daunting. Use Lingually to rewrite the text to a simplified version and provide a translation.

Coming soon

Explain the mistake

Being told you've made a mistake and not understanding why is no fun! Use Lingually to provide an explanation about why the corrections have been suggested.

Coming soon

Not just a Chrome extension...

We're working on a whole new AI-powered language experience. Join now to guarantee your place when we launch and support an indie language learning project!

Monthly Subscriptions

Free Trial


Try out the extension and see for yourself!

  • Chrome extension

  • 25 grammar checks

Basic Tier


Get access to the basic Chrome extension features.

  • Chrome extension

  • 250 grammar checks each month

  • Access to text simplification + translation

Fast learning


The ultimate learning plan for frequent use, with access to a whole learning platform coming soon!

  • Chrome Extension

  • 2,000 grammar checks each month

  • Access to text simplification + translation

  • (Coming soon) Access to explanations

  • (Coming soon) Reviews and spaced repetitions

  • Guaranteed early access to the language learning platform at launch!

© LinguallyAI. All rights reserved.

Try it!

Get 25 grammar checks for free when you subscribe with your email right now!

Thank you!

If you've made it this far, thanks a lot! Feel free to let me know what you think at or @LinguallyAI. This is an indie project and you using it makes a huge difference! Thanks!